About My Daay

Someone complained saying i dont update much, just "irralevent stuff" -.-
at least i update, unlike someoneee...

Anyway, how was my day today? fine if you must know, i'll tell you :)

School was the bomb diggidy, i had fun. Tell me you seriously didnt believe that.

I have Sims 3, but noo, i cant play cause my com doesn't have a GFX card. A FRIGGIN GFX CARD IS WHATS KEEPING ME FROM PLAYING SIMS!! :(

hmmm.. wat else, wat else..
I drew 2 drawings of love dying on me friends arms, and 1 love blooming on anotha. artist mah :D

gahhh.. thats it. I hope your day was MUCH more joyfull than mine. TTYL

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