i knew it, i knew it, I KNEW IT!!!
micheal scoldfield died!
i knew he was bound to die some day, BUAHAHA!
micheal scoldfield died!
i knew he was bound to die some day, BUAHAHA!
Ou, tmr?
i dont get ah, why ah, when some of you "study", you will take pictures of urself "studying"
which doesnt make sense since ur too busy "studying" to take any pictures of urself "studying"
am i roight?
nyek nyek.
so i ask some ya'll, and this is what you guys said.
Ee Wei: cause we're flyy :D (like, hello, wth?)
Melissa: B'cuz ah.... b'cuz ah... erm... wait ah.. (waiting)
Max: so we got prove that we study, cuz sumtimes we said we study, but our friends dont believe. so this is our prove lah (ok la, make sense. unlike the two answers above)