I heard once on the radio, that some people judge people just by their name.
if a parent want their child to be sexay, they'll pick some hot name to name him/her.
exc: Jessica Alba: yeah, you can say that the name sounds hot for some of you.
Cash' is kinda a hot name..
it resembles
duit. also known as
which I'm lacking of.
i mean, look at cash warren. He's jessica's beau.
and I guess Johnny Cash ain't so bad ;D
sooooo, I've been thinking, that.. if my bro was named Cash, he'll look hot.
maybe only.
or, if he was named
Bobby, maybe he wouldn't be so
I dunno.
wtv......... it's out of the topic.
today I went to the dentist, IMMA GETIN BRACES ON THE 5th.
damn it.. long time more..
so today they went put some gooey stuff in my mouth, it's like chewing gum, but you can't eat it. you can try, but that'll probably be your last wish.
neway, it will take the shape of your teeth and turned it into somethin like a teeth sculpture.
like the ones the doctors that comes to your school and shows you how to brush your teeth with the big fake teeth. yeah.. that one.
and it was hard to breath, the dentist said to breath in using your nose, and breath out by your mouth.
which isn't that easy when you have a metal thing in your mouth
and that was my day :)