I'm like Paris Hilton, but not as hot.

soo...... Man U won eh? ... yaaaa...aaaay... cant ..u sense... the exitement... in... me?

English paper 1 & 2 today.
It was soooo not "kaacang oni"

The esei I choose for paper 1 was 'My first day of school'
Nyek nyek. Pro crapper. Crap like the whole paper!
I even wrote Paris Hilton name inside.
Yeaaaaahh, who does that?

A few points I wrote:
- moves to a new town.
- school name = Awesome Jr High :D
- met a few people, Jeremy (jerynn), Chi chi (choi yoong), Emily (amelia), Hababu (mazayu), Nut-Cracker (natalie), and Melissa cause I don't know what kind of name to give her.
- after school people surround me, as if I was Paris Hilton. But not as hot.
- talked good things bout Pn Yee, hoping she'll read my paper and give me xtra marks XD
- my new friends told me all the gossip of the school. They were like an Asian version of Ryan Secreast :D

Heh heh. Told'ya I crap a lot.
Hey! At least it's not boring!

see the smart punya orang holding her paper terbalik in the middle

P/s sorry, not a ManU fan