"why nobody rapes me, im young and innocent...no one loves me"
Depressed Dude - what do all these other stupid kids have that i dont, im trusting of strangers, im totally rapable, yet still no ones even asked to meet me at the park alone and unprotected, and id totally go, i have yet to learn of the dangers of online dating, i dont even watch dateline, its like the whole world hates me or something, i dont think ill ever be scarred for life, why wont anyone violate me
PasserBy 1: O____O
PasserBy 2: Because you're not worth raping
PasserBy 3: oh my o:
Depressed Dude - its not hard to take advantage of my trusting nature, i like vans, and candy is always nice. ive never even been asked to play naked movie star games
Depressed Dude - its not my fault no one wants to touch me :(
PasserBy 4: Maybe you are just ugly.
Depressed Dude - but i bought all this handsome creme
"I thought you love me"
EmoGirl - But what you did last night was unforgivable.
PasserBy 1: See if i care, i still love myself.
PasserBy 2: But you told me to do it!!
PasserBy 3: I like my bean burritos, bitch.
PasserBy 4: I did it for cookies!!!!
PasserBy 5: Wait what, I dont remember. Tell me what I did.